We just sent out a new RHTH e-newsletter. In a world with negativity at every turn, this was my favorite newsletter I've ever assembled. So many beautiful faces of life and transplantation and making the most of a very challenging situation. We love you all! While we really miss having our RHTH family of guests here with us during this global pandemic, it has been so nice to see so many of their smiling faces and is such a relief to know that they are all Safer at Home. We can't wait to see you all again soon! Stay well!
If you would like to submit your Safer at Home pic, please email it to us. We love you all. Please stay safe and healthy with your loved-ones during this difficult time. We look forward to seeing you all again as soon as life returns to normal! Please keep in touch! Our good friend Karen decided to be a kidney donor simply because of a post she saw here on Facebook! We have the ability to share the truly life-changing stories of transplantation to our friends and loved ones and know that with a little luck those stories might touch others hearts the same way they touched Karen’s. That alone makes sharing Donate Life Month so worth our collective effort. Sharing can save lives!❤️ #DonateLifeMonth |
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